About Us

Recovering from an injury involves healing the body and mind. While teams of medical professionals focus on your physical health, your mental well-being is equally important. The mission of BounceBack is to empower a more holistic recovery journey.



Customize your recovery journey to your preferences


Get matched with people going through similar experiences



Track and share your recovery journey with others


Monitor progress and
shift your perspective to rebuild and grow

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Incredible resource for individuals recovering from a significant injury/surgery!


Nathan Lilley, PT, MPT, OCS, CSCS

Evolution Physical Therapy

I have been an orthopedic/sports physical therapist for the past 25+ years and have rehabbed numerous individuals following significant trauma or surgeries. The mental and psychological side of rehab is often overlooked by the orthopedic community. This journal is a great resource for my patients to measure progress, set goals and reflect on every step of the journey. It is well thought out and even incorporates humor along the way. I often say the “long road is the best road” to my patients and this journal is a great way for them to reflect on the emotional and psychological aspect of recovering from an injury. Highly recommended.

Your Recovery Partner 🤝

Injury Recovery Support

Redefining Recovery, 
Empowering Resilience


Recover Better

Studies show that when you have people to lean on you heal faster and worry less.


Gain personal insights

Foster self-awareness and growth by recording and reflecting on your journey.


Find support

Learn about the ups and downs of recovery and gain motivational boosts and valuable insights.


Improve quality of life

Embrace practical advice and strategies to navigate your daily life, career, and hobbies during recovery.

Experience the Community 📱

Injury Recovery Companion

Connect, Share,
and Grow.


Recover Better

Studies show that when you have people to lean on you heal faster and worry less.


Meet people like you

Match with people who are going through the same thing as you. Celebrate, vent, and share your thoughts.


Track and share

Encourage and be encouraged by tracking and sharing your recovery journey with your buddies.


Customize your journey

No two injuries are alike. Customize your recovery journey based on your injury and the time you need.

Track Your Journey 📒

Injury Recovery Journal

Reflect, Reframe,
and Recover.



Strengthening the mind through actionable activities and encouraging messages.


Structured Flow

Thoughtful organization combined with space for personal reflection.



Inspired by peer-reviewed studies and grounded with firsthand experience.



Deliberately lightening the seriousness of recovery with humor.

Articles that spark inspiration💡and provide knowledge📚 for better recovery💪

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Why should you use BounceBack?

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Because there is a better way to recover. For many recoveries, most patients will spend up to 2% of their recovery directly interacting with medical providers. The remaining 98% of the time, patients are alone – isolated with their thoughts, worries, and doubts. Research shows that having social support and guidance during recovery can expediate healing, reduce pain, and alleviate anxiety. BounceBack creates a gathering place for connection, support, and information.

Who is BounceBack for?

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BounceBack is for anyone (at all ages) who has an orthopedic injury and wants to gain an edge on their recovery. You may be a serious athlete, recreational junkie, working professional, or someone who just wants to get back to their daily activities. And you can use BounceBack at any stage of your journey – from the very beginning when you are looking for answers, to the end when you have wisdom to share (and you want to prevent a future injury).

What injuries are included?

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Any orthopedic (i.e., musculoskeletal) injuries. Maybe your injury is acute (ACL tear, etc.) or chronic (shoulder impingement, tendonitis, arthritis, hip replacement, etc.). We are initially focused on those who need / had surgery, but it’s open and beneficial to those exploring non-surgical options or looking for information.

What do we mean by BounceBack?

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Bouncing back will look different for everyone. Maybe your recovery is a return to your normal state of health and mind, or maybe your recovery involves growing stronger, more resilient, more grateful, or more knowledgeable.